Saturday, April 09, 2011

Dozens of raids as new investigation against anarchists begins (Italy)

April 6, 2011 325

Breaking news from the mainstream media, treat with caution:

The Digos, the Italian political police, in the city of Bologna, have
executed an operation investigating frequent visitors to the Bologna
activist circle ‘Fuoriluogo’. The provision for the operation was decided
by the prosecutor of Bologna within an inquiry carried out by the Bologna

Whilst this morning, more than 300 police have carried out searches in
Bologna, Ferrara, Modena, Rome, Padova, Trento, Reggio Calabria, Ancona,
Turin, Lecce, Naples, Trieste, Genoa, Teramo, Forli, Ravenna and Milan.
The comrades under investigation are accused of belonging to a ‘subversive
association for criminal intent’. 60 searches are reported, resulting, so
far, in 12 people under precautionary measures and one arrest according to

The immense operation in all Italy regards ‘anarcho-insurrectionalist’
militants in the typical jargon of the press. In addition, the indication
regarding an anarchist link in relation to the attack perpetrated against
ENI Bologna on 29 March 2011 is reported by the mainstream media as being
used by the Digos as a pretext for the Bologna repression wave. The oil
company was attacked with multiple incendiary devices and despite no claim
or ‘evidence’ being found, the Digos are trying to link it to another
attack in the week prior, against IBM’s offices in Bologna, which was
claimed by the Earth Liberation Front (ELF).

More clear news to follow from the comrades there…

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