Friday, June 24, 2011

Mad in the Middle East' by Mumia Abu-Jamal

[col. writ. 6/12/11]  (c) '11 Mumia Abu-Jamal

Americans may've voted in the last presidential election for an end to war, but
wars have multiplied with the advent of the Obama administration.

As I wrote several years ago, the awesome powers granted to the Bush
administration now lie in new hands, and presidents aggregate power; they don't
willingly give it up.
Perhaps first among these powers, is the power to wage wars.

As of this writing, the United States is engaged in at least 4 (and maybe 5)
armed actions: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen - and as drones slam bombs into
homes and villages in Pakistan - it too must be added to the mix.

To be realistic, there is no peace on the horizon, and perhaps more and broader
wars await us.

Despite the many justifications raised by politicians - The Taliban, Al Qaeda,
terrorism, etc.-- these seem more pretexts than reasons, for without the CIA,
MI-6 and Pakistan's Intelligence agency, ISI, these bodies wouldn't exist, for
they were assemble, trained, armed and activated under their auspices.


(If you doubt this, read: Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of
American Empire, by Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald (San Fran., CA: City
Lights Bs/Open Media, 2011.)

But war does far more than excite public passions.

It confuses people. It demands their unthinking allegiance. It feeds on the
very lives of young men and women. And those it doesn't kill, it poisons with the
virus of violence, which, unleashed abroad, often returns home, to shatter homes,
families, futures and communities.

It would be challenging to count the wives or children who were beaten or abused
by returning soldiers. Indeed, the levels of suicide among armed forces shows
that war attacks the self.

The clearest explanation for these wars was articulated several years ago by
Pres. Carter's former national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski -- and the
prime architect of the Afghan war against the Soviets by the mujahideen.

In a 1997 article in Foreign Affairs magazine, Brzezinski gave the following take
on the importance of Eurasia:

Eurasia is home to most of the world's politically assertive and dynamic
All the historical pretenders to global power originated in Eurasia. The
most populous aspirants to regional hegemony, China and India, are in
as are all the potential political or economic challengers to American
After the United States, the next six largest economies and military
are there, as are all but one of the world's overt nuclear powers. Eurasia
accounts for 75% of the world's population, 60 percent of it's GNP, and
75% of
its energy resources. *

That's it. "Energy resources." 011.

That's what it's all about.

That's all it's ever been about.

--(c) '11 maj

{*Source: Brzezinski, Z., "A Geostrategy for Eurasia," Foreighn Affairs, 76:5,
Sept/Oct. 1997; cited in Gould and Fitzgerald, p. 121.}

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