Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Help an Olympia anarchist get vegan food in jail

infoshop news Dec. 15, 2009

Daniel Wilson is currently being held in the Thurston County Jail in
Olympia, WA without access to vegan food. Daniel has attempted to obtain
the food he needs only to be told that he wasn't malnourished or sick
enough yet, despite having lost over 20 pounds in 19 days. Some of
Daniel's friends have called the jail to request that he recieve vegan
food, which has led to the jail threatening to punish him. However, Daniel
has requested that people do not stop calling the jail, but instead
continue to flood the phone lines in hopes that the jail will cede to
pressure. Daniel is being charged with various misdemeanors related to the
2008 May Day riot in Olympia and for allegedly vandalizing a pro-life
group's vehicle later in the year.

To show your support, please call:

Thurston County Jail


Ideally between the times of 1:30 to 4:30 PM PST. Calling the
administration office, medical wing, and food staff would be great, but if
even one of these wings gets an extra phone call, you'll be helping out
Daniel. Solidarity!

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