Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hunger Strike at Jessup in Maryland

The following was sent to me from Mustafah, a comrade incarcerated in A-Building at JCI who is organizing the collective resistance there. His contact info is at the bottom. Please act and foreward widely. Here's the main number for the prison: (410) 799-6100. the warden's name is j.smith and the security cheif's name is d. whittaker. i have a list of all prison majors, captains, lieutenants, sergeants and guards involved in the abuse if you'd like more information.


Currently at Maryland’s Jessup Correctional Institution, inside of its security housing unit, A-Building, prisoners are being physically and psychologically tortured at the hands of prison guards.

The level of brutality and torture is that of Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The practices of sensory deprivation, beatings of prisoners held in 3-point restraints and shackles, and inhumane conditions of confinement come in many forms.

Beginning in January 2006, over 25 prisoners have been brutalized, tortured and terrorized here at Jessup Correctional Institution. The level of corruption is at its height, with every rank participating and the Warden and Security Chief allowing it to go on.

Prisoners are frequently deprived meals, water, toiletries, cleaning supplies, recreation, medical treatment, grievances, sufficient oxygen, and a non-hazardous environment. Our living quarters are infested with rodents, ants, gnats, roaches, and other insects. The food trays and showers are filthy with built up bacteria. We are even deprived of visits for extensive periods of time without just cause. There exist clear civil, constitutional, and human rights violations. These practices are in violation of federal, state, and local laws, DOC policy, and facility directives. The brutality and torture taking place are crimes against the men incarcerated in A-Building at JCI.

The medical staff at Jessup Correctional Institution corroborates false reports written by prison guards. P.A. Moss and nursing personnel refuse to treat prisoners who have been beaten by guards. Physical wounds and injuries sustained by prisoners during attacks are not reported and are not documented in their medical records. Prison guards are allowed access to prisoners' medical records without approval.

Prisoners at JCI in Maryland have begun a hunger/silent strike to protest these practices against us. We are the prisoners confined to A-Building, the Security Housing Unit at JCI where these practices are taking place. We are asking that the Justice Department and an outside human rights agency come into JCI to speak with every prisoner in A-Building. We are asking that every guard on all three shifts working in A-Building be removed and replaced with other personnel. We are asking for an investigation of all the incidents which have occurred during 2006, including guard attacks against prisoners. Pending the results of the investigation, we ask that all personnel found to be directly and indirectly involved be terminated from employment in the Maryland Department of Corrections.

We appeal to you, the public, asking that those amongst you of reasonable consciousness , especially those who have family members imprisoned here or elsewhere throughout the state come together to support us in exposing and stopping this treatment. These techniques of terror are being practiced on prisoners in other penal facilities across the United States, but it goes unaddressed by the U.S. government.

There are some organizations, political parties, and legal groups that have offered assistance, but we need more public support from all sectors, especially poor communities and communities of color—the communities from which we come. We will provide you with a list of the guards involved.

The C-Wing prisoners inside A-Building at Jessup Correctional Institution are currently on a hunger/silent strike and desperately need your help. Torture, abuse, and brutality are crimes in the U.S. and worldwide. The government has a duty to stop and prevent it and we need your help holding them accountable to these duties.

Deputy Chairman, Maryland Branch NABPP-PC
Anthony Mustafah Chisley, #280-358
JCI AC 303
PO Box 534
Jessup, MD 20794

1 comment:

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