Thursday, November 16, 2006

2006 International Republican Socialist Network Holiday Book Campaign for Prisoners of War

2006 International Republican Socialist Network
Holiday Book Campaign for Prisoners of War

The comrades of the International Republican Socialist
Network would like to that all of those who helped to make
this years holiday book drive for republican socialist prisoners
of war a success.

Begun in the 1980s, while still within the IRSCNA, the holiday
book campaign has been carried forward by the comrades of
the International Republican Socialist Network, since having
left the IRSM. The project is designed to turn prison into the
"university of the revolution" by supplying works on socialist
theory and history, as well as works of general interest to
republican socialist POWs.

This year, with the assistance of contributions from comrades
across North America, the IRSN was able to send at least
eight books each to all Irish National Liberation Army POWs,
as well as two Puerto Rican POWs (Carols Alberto Torres and
Oscar Lopez-Rivera) , two Breton POWs (Pascal Laize and
Gael Roblin), and two Catalonian activists jailed for their work
with the Basque national liberation struggle (Laura Riera
Valenciano and Zigor Larredona Munoz). This is a total of
approximately 70 books sent to republican socialist POW
this year. The Basque/Catalonian POWs were sent books
in both Spanish and English, while the Breton POWs were
sent books in both French and English.

The books were sent along with revolutionary New Year's
greetings and are anticipated to reach the POWs in time
for the holiday season.

Thank you again to all our friends and comrades who made this

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