Wednesday, May 27, 2009

EF! Roadshow folks arrested at Home Depot action in Denver!

Hey, all you 'angry Home Depot customers', call 1-800-553-3199 (press
extension # 5)
Tell 'em to drop the charges against our friends in Arapahoe County
Jail, Colorado, and to get the hell out of wild Patagonia!

For Immediate Release: May, 27, 2009

Home Depot has Earth First! activists arrested for action against dams
in Patagonia

Denver, CO-- Two Earth First! activists were arrested at a Home Depot
this morning in Glendale. The arrests followed a banner being hung off
the roof of a Home Depot store reading "Dam Home Depot, NOT
Patagonia!" Supporters of the arrested activists demand that Home
Depot cut all ties and voice their opposition to this project at
tomorrows corporate shareholders meeting tomorrow in Atlanta, Georgia.

The banner-drop action was intended to remind both the public and the
company: "We've fought The Home Depot before and won." Almost ten
years ago, Earth First! groups around the country joined with
Rainforest Action Network and others forced Home Depot to adopt wood
product policies that removed old growth from their shelves. But their
involvement in the HidroAysen project in Patagonia, Chile shows their
commitments to 'green business' practices looking a lot like empty
Public Relations.

International Rivers, an organization working to protect rivers and
defend the rights of communities that depend on them, explains that:

The HidroAysen project involves 3 dams on the Pascua River and 2 dams
on the Baker River that would flood globally rare forest ecosystems
and some of the most productive agricultural land in the Aysen region.
Electricity from these dams would be sent thousands of kilometers
north to serve Chile’s biggest cities and its mammoth copper industry.
More than 1,500 miles of transmission lines would require one of the
world's longest clearcuts--much of it through untouched temperate
rainforests found nowhere else on the planet. US retailer The Home
Depot is the largest buyer of timber products from the main Chilean
interest promoting the dams. The Home Depot has been asked by
thousands of people, including socially responsible investors, to stop
buying timber from suppliers that plan to destroy the rivers and
forests of Patagonia.

According to Ron DeFeo of Home Depot (from a blog post this morning):
"we don’t think it’s our place to weigh in on an issue that we have no
expertise or influence over." While DeFeo denies the company's
involvement and refuses to accept the research of International
Rivers, his blog post admits that "the president of our supplier’s
parent company owns shares, along with his family, in one of the
companies that would work on the project."

Earth First!, which is more of a movement than an organization, has
autonomous groups around the world who target corporations that are
responsible for devastating the planet. The movement currently has a
national Roadshow crossing the country to mobilize people to take
action against companies like Home Depot, which is currently featured

More information about this campaign at:

1 comment:

AETA4 said...

Call for justice for AETA4!

On May 22, the Civil Liberties Defense Center (CLDC), Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and other civil rights attorneys moved to dismiss the U.S. government's indictment of Joseph Buddenberg, Maryam Khajavi, Nathan Pope and Adriana Stumpo (the AETA 4), four animal rights activists who are charged for the first time with conspiracy to commit animal enterprise terrorism. Charges against the AETA 4 include protesting, chalking the sidewalk, chanting and leafleting --, and the alleged use of "the Internet to find information on bio-medical researchers." These actions are clearly and traditionally protected by the First Amendment.

The Department of Justice has brazenly called these activists "terrorists" under the auspices of a little known law called the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA ). Passed by Congress towards the end of the Bush administration, the AETA aims to suppress speech and advocacy by criminalizing activities protected by the First Amendment, including protests, boycotts, picketing and whistleblowing. Though the AETA targets animal rights activists, its language is so broad and vague that it could easily be used to prosecute labor activists who might engage in peaceful activities such as picketing or organizing a successful boycott of a giant corporate supermarket that exploits its workers. The AETA criminalizes a broad swath of protected First Amendment activities -- and CLDC and the defense team have asked the Court to strike down the AETA as unconstitutiona l. Furthermore, there are already dozens of state and federal laws that could be used to prosecute criminal acts engaged in by animal rights activists; the addition of this federal crime of terrorism is thus clearly intended to chill the constitutional rights of citizens who advocate a particular political belief.
The case of the AETA 4 is the first use of the AETA since being signed into law -- it is clear that the law can and will be used against lawful activists. It is of critical importance that the case against the AETA 4 be dropped in order to protect our Constitutional right to dissent.

Take action today in solidarity with the AETA 4 by doing the following:

1. Call the Department of Justice at (202) 514-1057 and ask Assistant Attorney General David Kris to stop using counter- terrorism resources to criminalize animal rights activism.

2. Write your senator and representative and demand that they repeal the AETA, as it will only lead to violations of our Constitutional rights; and abundant laws already exist to prosecute criminal acts. and,

3. Join the Coalition to Abolish the AETA and work with us to protect everyone's Constitutional right to dissent.

Stand with us today and call for justice for the AETA 4.

The Civil Liberties Defense Center
Lauren Regan
Executive Director
259 East 5th Avenue, Suite 300 A
Eugene, Oregon 97401
541.687.9180 phone
541.686.2137 fax

You can also go here and sign the Center for Constitutional Rights' petition to Congress asking for a repeal of the AETA. It will only take a few seconds of your time. Just copy and paste the URL: