Letters to the Judge for Daniel reminder
We wanted to send out a reminder about getting those letters in to Daniel's lawyers in the next couple of weeks. While the deadline may seem far off, these things are best done sooner rather than later. A letter to the Judge concerning Daniel's potential sentence is one of the most important things you can do to help Daniel at this point. Please take some time to send a letter in.
thank you,
Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan
PS-the rally for Daniel on December 7th went really well. Check out photos here here, and here.
Guidelines for Letters to Judge Aiken in Support of Daniel McGowan
- How you met Daniel and how you know him (through school, work, mutual friends, prisoner support work, etc.); how long you have known Daniel.
- What you know about Daniel’s character, his reputation in the community; personal experiences you have had with him that illustrate important aspects of his character.
- What you know about Daniel’s relationship with his family, his wife, and his close friends – the people who will be his personal support when he is in prison and when he is released. Describe for the judge how these people will assist him through these difficult times.
- How you personally will be able to help Daniel get back to a normal life when he is released from prison, whether it is through helping him to pursue his education, remain employed, or establish a home.
- Examples, from your personal knowledge, of what Daniel has done in his life to help others, whether it is through activist work, charitable work, work for non-profit organizations, or personally helping you or someone you know with something. Specific examples of Daniel’s contributions to charitable, community, and non-profit organizations are helpful.
- Examples, from your personal knowledge, of how Daniel demonstrates what he believes in, whether it is by arranging Really, Really Free Markets, collecting electronic gear to recycle, or volunteering for causes he supports.
- The Judge may consider whether Daniel is likely to commit another crime. If you have specific reasons to share with the Judge to demonstrate why you believe that Daniel is unlikely to commit another crime, please explain those in your letter.
- The Judge may consider whether Daniel has shown that, after the crimes were committed, his conduct demonstrated rehabilitation. If you have specific examples of his conduct, between July of 2001 and December 2005 that you feel the Judge should know about that show Daniel has engaged in significant rehabilitation from the time he committed the crimes, please explain those in your letter.
- The Judge may consider whether to sentence Daniel as a “terrorist” under certain provisions of federal law and sentencing guidelines. While this is largely a technical legal issue that the lawyers will write about, you may wish to write to the Judge about how Daniel’s case compares to other crimes and incidents that you are personally aware of that either have or have not been treated as “terrorist” incidents.
Some topics are simply not helpful subjects of discussion in a letter to the Court related to sentencing. We ask that you not justify or rationalize the incidents. We ask that you not compare Daniel to others who have entered pleas and who are also facing sentencing or to those who have not been arrested or are fugitives.
Judge Ann Aiken
U.S. District Court
Eugene, Oregon
Andrea Crabtree
Schroeter Goldmark & Bender
810 Third Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, Washington 98104
Please, do NOT mail your letter to Judge Aiken. After you have signed the letter, MAIL IT TO THE LAWYERS' office. They will deliver all of the correspondence to the Judge at one time, along with other sentencing materials. DEADLINE: Please get letters to the lawyers no later than January 30, 2007.
Questions? Call or e-mail Amanda Lee at (206) 622-8000 or lee@sgb-law.com
Daniel is an environmental and social justice activist. He was charged in federal court on many counts of arson, property destruction and conspiracy, all relating to two incidents in Oregon in 2001. Until recently, Daniel was offered two choices by the government: cooperate by informing on other people, or go to trial and face life in prison. His only real option was to plead not guilty until he could reach a resolution of the case that permitted him to honor his principles. Now, as a result of months of litigation and negotiation, Daniel was able to admit to his role in these two incidents, while not implicating or identifying any other people who might have been involved. The government will seek a sentence of eight years, while Daniel's lawyers will seek a sentence of no more than 63 months.
POB 106, NY, NY 10156
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