Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Global Noise Demo: NYE 2011/2012

Dec. 5, 2011 Anarchist News

Outside & inside prisons, jails, and detention centers everywhere.

This event is inspired by the North American call out for a day of action
against prisons in the New Year of 2011, which remains relevant unchanged:

Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing
tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the
New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks
the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does
not have to stop at that.Prison has a long history within capital, being
one of the most archaic forms of prolonged torture and punishment. It has
been used to kill some slowly and torture those unwanted – delinquents to
the reigning order – who have no need of fitting within the predetermined
mold of society.

Prison is used not only as an institution, but a whole apparatus,
constructed externally from outside of the prison walls. Which our enemies
by way of defining our everyday life as a prison, manifest themselves in
many places, with banks that finance prison development (like Wells Fargo,
Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Bank of the West, and Barclays), companies
that are contracted for the development of prisons (like Bergelectric
Corporation, SASCO Electric, Engineered Control Systems, MacDonald Miller
Facility SLTNS and Kane MFG Corp.), investors in prison development (like
Barclays Intl. and Merrlin Lynch) to the police and guards who hide behind
their badges and the power of the state.

Solidarity is not only an expression by way of our own revolutionary
poetry which is defined by a developing anarchist analysis, but as an
expression of actions put into practice within the social war daily. That
is why we propose to others who have a certain reciprocal understanding of
the prison world and the conditions it creates to remember this day, to
mark it on their calendars. To locate points of attack. To not limit
ourselves to just a noise demo, but proliferating actions autonomously
from one another. That break the mundane positions we lock ourselves into
by our own internalization.

To all our comrades known and we have yet to know. Just because we have
not met, does not mean we do not act in affinity with one another. Our
struggle continues not only on the outside, but on the inside as well.
Prison is not an end, but a continuation. Through individual and
collective moments of revolt, by the methods one finds possible. Like fire
our rage must spread.

Against prison, and the world that maintains them.
For the social war.

In memory of those currently imprisoned.

Link to flier that can be edited for regional use:

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