Sunday, May 29, 2011

June 11 International Day of Solidarity with Marie, Eric and Long-term Anarchist prisoners (USA, Global)

Received from the USA collective June 11th Solidarity. In this time of ecological
collapse and social repression let’s show solidarity with our prisoners of
resistance, who have paid a high price for their ideals, as well as all those who
deny to legitimate the demands of authority, – it’s time to attack again the
concepts, symbols and structures of the cruel and exploitative capitalist system.
June 11th Reminder and Event Suggestions
May 27, 2011
The Day for Solidarity with Long-term Anarchist Prisoners is now two weeks away.
June 11th is an open invitation to demonstrate support for Marie Mason and Eric
McDavid, who are each serving 20 years. This date provides an opportunity to build
links of affinity and solidarity towards the destruction of the prisons and
As anarchists, this occasion to support Marie and Eric has been exciting – it’s a
practical basis for solidarity, for linking together anti-repression and anti-prison
struggles in many places. Currently there is a substantial list of June 11th events
occurring across the US and internationally. And there are more to come!
This occasion for solidarity—as an open invitation—can to be responded to however
people want, according to their own ideas and contexts. But many people have written
asking for suggestions so we wanted to share a quick list of ideas for people who
wish to plan events:
*Organize an info-night. Prepare a presentation on these two cases, or about
repression more generally and other examples of anarchists who have faced the
state’s wrath. Include a movie, such as in San Francisco, or a practical workshop on
resisting grand juries and supporting prisoners, such as in Cincinnati. We are happy
to help prepare presentations and provide materials if desired.
*Throw a benefit party/show/pancake breakfast/barbeque/picnic, such as in New York
City. Both Marie and Eric have serious ongoing legal and logistical costs even
though they’ve already been convicted. If you’re facing repression locally and have
fundraising needs, we’d invite you to still throw a benefit in conjunction with June
11, to make clear the practical links of solidarity against the state’s conspiracy
to wipe out resistance. (Please keep in mind, when organizing food events, that both
Marie and Eric are vegan.)
Though Marie and Eric’s cases cannot be simplified to a lack of support, we
understand that the state succeeded in imposing such long sentences on Marie and
Eric in part because it was able to isolate them, both politically and socially.
In the wake of these long-term sentences, support for Eric & Marie—and for other
Green Scare and anarchist prisoners—has relied on the consistency and commitment of
their respective families and support crews.
To prevent further repression against them in prison and to break out of the current
lull, we need to respond with an upsurge in both ongoing material support AND an end
to the political isolation and invisibility experienced by anarchist prisoners. As
anarchists, we think there are many ways to improve their visibility that don’t rely
on the mass media, but rather on organizing and face-to-face interactions in the

“No one should be able to walk down any street . . . without seeing the prisoners’
names written on the walls. And the songs that are sung about them must be heard by
Thus, in particular we encourage people to:
*Organize microphone demos and other very public events. A microphone demo means
occupying a corner or a busy park, setting up banners and a sound system, and
passing out materials about Marie and Eric and against repression. Switching between
music and reading statements over the microphone helps create a good atmosphere, but
of course adapt it to your local resources and constraints.
*Put-up posters, and drop banners (only with permission, of course!). Full-color
posters were just printed that can be sent your way. Just ask!
*Operas, plays, ballet, like Redbird Prisoner Support in Colombus, OH! They are
performing Dario Fo’s Nobel Prize-winning “Accidental Death of an Anarchist.”
*Other, wholly-new and original plans that we’d be excited to promote and spread for
June 11, 2012, and until every prisoner is free,
-Mid/east June 11 Crew
Expect two more lead-up missives before June 11, including a longer strategy
statement! Get organized, and get in touch with us if you need to!

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