Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ahmad Sa'adat greets the US Social Forum from Israeli prison

June 2010

Ramon Prison - Isolation Section

To the US Social

I greet you from inside the walls of the prisons of the occupation,
with the voice of thousands of Palestinian and Arab political
prisoners. On behalf of the Palestinian prisoners' movement, the
Palestinian national movement, and the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine, I carry our salutes to the US Social Forum,
this coming together of movements of oppressed peoples to organize
and stand together against racism, colonialism, oppression and imperialism.

The Palestinian struggle for national liberation is part and parcel
of the international movement of peoples for national liberation,
international racial and economic justice, and an end to occupation,
colonialism and imperialism. We salute all of the oppressed groups,
nations and communities who have come together to build this social
forum, including our sisters and brothers in the Palestinian and Arab
community in the US and the indigenous peoples of the Americas on
whose land the US empire of today was built, and who have remained a
constant presence of resistance for over 400 years.

As we struggle to end apartheid, racism and occupation in Palestine,
we recognize that we face not only the enemy immediately before us -
Israel - but the full force and muscle of the U.S. government behind
it. We view the US Social Forum as an expression of the popular
movements inside the United States, working inside the empire to
achieve justice for all, and join our hands in solidarity with yours.
Our struggle is your struggle, and your struggle is ours.

The power of the U.S. empire in a unipolar world is being shaken by
resistance and popular movements, from those inside the U.S., to the
rising strength of the Left in Latin America, in Venezuela, Cuba,
Bolivia, Nicaragua and elsewhere, to the development of alternative
and regional powers around the world who are forming a strong
counterweight to the empire. It is a necessity that the US empire and
the unipolar world upon which it thrives is upended, and we greet the
USSF's commitment that "another U.S. is necessary" with resounding
agreement and solidarity.

A global front of the Left, of popular movements, of those who
struggle for liberation and against imperialism and oppression, is
necessary today, and the US Social Forum - and the entire Social
Forum movement - is integral in building that global Left Front.

As you know, our struggle in Palestine is deeply linked to the
struggle in the United States. There are two camps - the camp of
empire and its allies, headed by the U.S. and Israel and, in our
region, the complicit Arab regimes, and the camp of resistance. We
see you as part of the resistance camp. The U.S. government is
responsible for the Israeli crimes against our people - the thousands
of political prisoners behind bars, the millions of refugees
prohibited from returning home, the ethnic cleansing and home
demolitions, the ongoing occupation, the apartheid wall tearing
through our land, the apartheid and entrenched racism. For over 62
years, the U.S. government has been the sponsor of the racist Israeli state.

Today it is more critical than ever that you escalate your campaigns
in solidarity with Palestine, that you internationally isolate Israel
and all of its products, that you make it clear that the people of
the United States stand alongside the people of Palestine to achieve
our full national and human rights - to self determination, return
for our refugees, an end to occupation, and national liberation.

We have heard news recently of the massacre of the Freedom Flotilla
to Gaza, and that the seas have carried a great message of courage
and shouldered a great burden of blood; that the prisons that hold
our prisoners of freedom have held the prisoners of freedom of the
world; and that the international movement for justice has new
martyrs who will inspire us all to struggle in their path of courage,
strength, indomitable solidarity and commitment to justice in the
face of brutal oppression. Their example is an example to us all, and
the Flotilla martyrs, prisoners, organizers and participants are part
of the long line of heroes of our Palestinian people's struggle, and
all of our global people's struggles for justice and liberation.

Towards a global left front - for socialism, equality, justice and liberation!

We join in your call: Another World is Possible! Another U.S. is Necessary!

Ahmad Sa'adat
General Secretary
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Sa'adat's biography, writings and statements are available at the
website of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat.

The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat

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