Thursday, May 20, 2010

Alvaro Luna Hernandez Emergency Medical Excursion

Greetings Sara & friends,

Not to alarm any of you unduly, it appears to be stabilized now, some of you will probably hear from him shortly, that Alvaro had to make a quick trip down to Temple, Texas (Galveston's UTMB-Sealy was too far away) about midway to Austin, to the Scott & White Hospital there for quite a few hours, for tests and an ultrasound scan, for a originally inaccurately diagnosed (at the unit's med intake) as a "kidney failure"; which apparently turned out to be probably nothing more than a severe case of "Urinary Tract Infection" - as they described it in Temple when he was done there at 1:30 AM and then the drive back.

So, it was quite an excursion, that I hope, after the antibiotics and whatever else they prescribed started to allow a certain measure of pleasure on the trip back to make the diversion worthwhile; he said the swelling and burning pain have gone.

The only strange thing about it, other than happening right on his 58th Birthday last Wednesday, May 12th, was his right testicle he said was swollen up (maybe scrotum?), which might be from leakage from the hemorrhaging in the tract, I don't know for sure, which was showing up in his urine.

The upside is, I sense he got off getting a lengthy separation from the cage for about 8 hours or so in Temple, which I hope he had an opportunity to get off some conversations with civilians in the emergency room; and the van ride down Hwy 36 bypass (the scenic Hill country State Hwy route in full springtime verdant lushness); and got his property returned OK and the same cell.

On another note I personally want to thanks all the supportive comrades who wrote to wish Alvaro a 58th Happy Birthday (considering the fascist oppressive situation he's under) last week; I think it was a great mood elevator regardless of this sudden medical thing.

My concern after some of us discussed it a little here last night after reading the letters we got, was the sedimentary issues he may or may not be aware of due to countless devoted hours he applies to the legal work; especially right now on an appeal for someone he's in the middle of - and had to return a "loaned" typewriter borrowed from someone to write writs and motions; I can attest how busy he's been since I've been helping him with copying on them the past month. Also, though I have not posed a diet issue directly to him yet as a cause factor, the possible consumption of a meat/animal food diet increases the likelihood of uric acid crystal development "stones" and/or bad bacterial-infested so-called potable drinking water and eating utensils.

The problem that I have to relay to this latest "client", is he IS without a typewriter till his (now two requests in) at the Commissary for a new one are filled after returning the broken one on 5/3; and we all know how those snail-like "progressions" don't even do justice to the term "progress".

Please call Senior Warden if you can and try to help us hurry up the typewriter request, he put in another on the 16th supposedly when they went to store last Friday; I will see about fronting some or most of it myself - need to get a fix on that new price from Warden Grounds tomorrow. If anyone wants to make any size contribution to the expedite the matter, please by all means send to me at: Concealed cash or M.O.'s made out to just John Dolley, and nothing else - ABC Para-Legal Services, P.O. Box 7187, Austin, Texas 78713.

"Twitch" aka (John S. Dolley, Jr.,)
ABC Para-Legal Services/Committee to Free Alvaro Luna Hernandez

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