Friday, July 17, 2009


New Book Calls for Fundamental Political and Social Revolution in the United States

Phoenix, Arizona: Controversial publisher Arissa Media Group released a new book today entitled "This Country Must Change: Essays on the Necessity of Revolution in the USA," which calls for fundamental revolutionary change within the United States. The book is edited and co-authored by Craig Rosebraugh, a political activist and author and the former spokesperson for the radical Earth Liberation Front.

July 14, 2009

New Book Calls for Fundamental Political and Social Revolution in the United States

Phoenix, Arizona: Controversial publisher Arissa Media Group released a new book today entitled "This Country Must Change: Essays on the Necessity of Revolution in the USA," which calls for fundamental revolutionary change within the United States. The book is edited and co-authored by Craig Rosebraugh, a political activist and author and the former spokesperson for the radical Earth Liberation Front.

This Country Must Change contains essays by twelve authors and activists, all who have demonstrated a lifelong commitment to revolutionary change. Authors include: Ramona Africa, Jake Conroy, Bill Dunne, Ronald Kuykendall, Jaan Laaman, Rob Los Ricos, Jeff Luers, Jalil Muntaqim, Jonathan Paul, Leslie James Pickering, Craig Rosebraugh, and Peter Young.

Back cover copy:

Since 1776, the U.S. Government has been run by and for only the wealthy white man and - especially as of late - his corporate interests. Over this time, this regime has waged a continuous genocidal campaign against Native American nations, an oppressive and murderous campaign against African Americans, against Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Puerto Ricans, women and the poor. The natural environment has been decimated by industries and governmental agencies that prioritize monetary gain over the protection of the Earth. Our air is becoming too polluted to breathe, water too contaminated to drink, and our food supply compromised by chemical herbicides, pesticides and genetic engineering. Millions of animals are used, abused, and slaughtered in the United States annually not out of any necessity, but for purposes of human vanity, fraudulent medical experimentation and product testing, unhealthy dietary consumption, and sadistic entertainment. This is in addition to the millions of people the U.S. government and corporations have killed and displaced internationally as a direct result of U.S. foreign policy interests and imperialism.

This Country Must Change is an effort to further the discussion of the necessity of a fundamental political and social revolution in the United States. It is as inspiring as it is educational and a must read for anyone involved with or considering advocating for political or social change within the U.S. Arguing that reformist measures cannot be relied upon to correct the fundamental problems caused by the corporate elite and political structure in the United States, the contributing authors in this book are unified in their call for a significant revolutionary change in the United States of America.

240 pp., paperback, printed on 100% recycled, post consumer waste, FSC certified paper. ISBN: 9780974288475

For more information or to order review copies, please contact:

Arissa Media Group
(866) 476-0964

Let Freedom Ring: A Collection of Documents from the Movements to Free U.S. Political Prisoners
Edited by Matt Meyer

Let Freedom Ring presents a two-decade sweep of essays, analyses, histories, interviews, resolutions, People’s Tribunal verdicts, and poems by and about the scores of U.S. political prisoners and the campaigns to safeguard their rights and secure their freedom. In addition to an extensive section on the campaign to free death-row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, represented here are the radical movements that have most challenged the U.S. empire from within: Black Panthers and other Black liberation fighters, Puerto Rican independentistas, Indigenous sovereignty activists, white anti-imperialists, environmental and animal rights militants, Arab and Muslim activists, Iraq war resisters, and others. Contributors in and out of prison detail the repressive methods--from long-term isolation to sensory deprivation to politically inspired parole denial--used to attack these freedom fighters, some still caged after 30+ years. This invaluable resource guide offers inspiring stories of the creative, and sometimes winning, strategies to bring them home.

Contributors include: Mumia Abu-Jamal, Dan Berger, Dhoruba Bin-Wahad, Bob Lederer, Terry Bisson, Laura Whitehorn, Safiya Bukhari, The San Francisco 8, Angela Davis, Bo Brown, Bill Dunne, Jalil Muntaqim, Susie Day, Luis Nieves Falcón, Ninotchka Rosca, Meg Starr, Assata Shakur, Jill Soffiyah Elijah, Jan Susler, Chrystos, Jose Lopez, Leonard Peltier, Marilyn Buck, Oscar López Rivera, Sundiata Acoli, Ramona Africa, Linda Thurston, Desmond Tutu, Mairead Corrigan Maguire and many more.
The Buzz:
"Within every society there are people who, at great personal risk and sacrifice, stand up and fight for the most marginalized among us. We call these people of courage, spirit and love, our heroes and heroines. This book is the story of the ones in our midst. It is the story of the best we are."
--asha bandele, poet and author of The Prisoner's Wife
“This extraordinary volume powerfully and eloquently brings together the voices of so many U.S. political prisoners. Taken one at a time, the stories, poems, communiqués, and analyses are not only heartbreaking in the suffering, courage and indomitable fortitude they manifest, but also paint a clear and damning picture of routine U.S. repression. When read as a whole, this book can do no other than inspire a new generation of activists and revolutionaries to free these prisoners and to bring down this whole wretched system of exploitation, theft, and murder. Thank you to the editors and to the contributors, and thank you most especially to the political prisoners themselves, who are giving their lives and are teaching us by their example how to be free men and women.”
--Derrick Jensen, activist and author of How Shall I Live My Life
"As a convicted felon, I have been prevented from visiting many people in prison today. But none of us should be stopped from the vital work of prison abolition and freeing the many who the U.S. holds for political reasons. Let Freedom Ring helps make their voices heard, and presents strategies to help win their release."
--Daniel Berrigan SJ, former Plowshares political prisoner and member of the FBI Top Ten Wanted List.

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