Thursday, April 09, 2009

Why Anarchists, Freedom Fighters, and Supporters of Political Prisoners Should Support the Good Time Bill

Those of us who believe absolutely in the power of peoples' organizing for empowerment and self-determination--- those of us who believe in direct action, democracy, and revolutionary struggle, we cannot support endeavors to reform state institutions with a clear heart. We know that, by themselves, reforms ultimately serve the ruling class by creating an illusion of progress or compassion so that the apparatus of state repression and poverty can continue its work. Prisons are no exception. Nor are the campaigns to free our political prisoners and to build on the legacies of the revolutionary movements they represent.

This said, anarchists and other revolutionaries must use any and all of the tools at our disposal. We cannot rely on the state to fight our battles or save our world, but we can and must be realistic about our options and utilize opportunities.

A congressman is about to re-introduce a bill that would allow federal prisoners a chance to earn credits toward a more substantial early release. It's H.R. 1457, the Federal Work Incentive Act of 2009. It's nicknamed, the Good Time Bill. Unless this bill passes, this chance will not exist.

From Their perspective:
The US government is a financial disaster, federal prisons are an overcrowded colossal drain of money with no end in sight. Why not let some of them out earlier?

From Our perspective:
As we continue to organize and struggle for revolutionary aims, we must admit that, at this moment, we don't have many sure-fire ways to free our political prisoners any earlier. They sit in prison for daring to dream and act on revolutionary ideals. We owe it to them to use any tool we can get our hands on to get them home. The Good Time Bill could potentially affect many of the Earth Liberation Front prisoners, Animal Liberation Front prisoners, and Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty prisoners. It could potentially affect anti-war political prisoner Helen Woodson, indigenous/pro-zapatista political prisoner Oso Blanco (Byron Chubbuck), and possibly even the Cuban Five Political Prisoners. While we continue to do everything we can to support and hope for some victories in court, the state continues to attack our movemements. If any of the recent arrests, from the Green Scare to the Republican National Convention resistance, end in conviction, the Good Time Bill will benefit those targeted activists. (more on political prisoners and prisoners of war at

Of course, the Green Scare and political prisoners are only a tiny minority of the prisoners and families who could benefit. Thousands of non-violent, low-level drug offenders are caged in the federal system with no hope for early release. Many communities and families have lost someone to the system. While the Black Liberation Prisoners of War would not be directly affected by this bill, if we can work toward passing the Good Time Bill as we continue to build toward revolution, we will make a small contribution in keeping with the Black Panther Party legacy of Survival Programs pending revolution. It could serve to reunite families torn apart by the so-called "war on drugs" or "war on terrorism" or any other rhetorical excuse for increased policing and prison-building at the expense of peoples' freedom, autonomy, and survival. While we continue to organize toward the aboliton of the state, including an end to police and prisons, surely we can take advantage of a progressive-leaning administration in an economic crisis by helping to give struggling families and communities a break.

So this is calling on all anarchists, activists, and revolutionaries, to keep organizing for revolution and to also support the Good Time Bill. Information below. Extend this or your own call to your own communities.

In Solidarity for Freedom,
goodtimebill contact- nycabc[at]

Support the Good Time Bill!

On March 12th, 2009, Representative Danny Davis (D-IL) introduced H.R. 1457, to restore the former system of good time allowances toward service of Federal prison terms, and for other purposes, otherwise known as The Good Time Bill. He introduced a similar bill towards the end of the 2008 session. This bill would reduce the sentences of people in federal prisons by increasing the "good time" credit they could receive and save US tax-payers more than 2 billion dollars per year. The reduction would apply to all federal prisoners except the ones serving life sentences.

Join the Yahoo group
to learn more, share information, help with the campaign. Send an email

Email, Write or Call Your Own Congressional Representative!

Become an advocate for the Good Time bill!
Talking Points on Why America Needs the Good Time Bill (H.R. 1457)
* It costs tax-payers over $40,000 per year to keep each federal prisoner behind bars.
* Total cost to US taxpayers for federal incarceration is over 7.64 billion annually.
* The Federal Bureau of Prisons is over 40% overcrowded and many facilities are operating at 100% capacity with no plan for relief.
* Nearly three-fourths (72.1%) of federal prisoners are serving time for a non-violent offense and have no history of violence.
* It will cost the federal government over $700,000 to incarcerate a person over 50 years of age for the rest of his or her life.
* Especially given the strain on the federal budget as well as the hardship faced by many American tax-payers during this economic recession, we cannot afford to incarcerate so many ageing people in the federal system.
* African American drug offenders have a 20% greater chance of being sentenced to prison than white drug offenders, and Hispanics a 40% greater chance. (One in fifteen African American men are incarcerated and one in thirty-six Hispanic men are incarcerated.)
* In the last 30 years, the United States prison population has quadrupled. 1 in every 99 American adults is now behind bars.
* People in federal prison deserve a second chance to make positive contributions to society.

Support the Good Time Bill!—

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