Monday, February 02, 2009

Jose Perez and Carlos alberto Torres

To all ProLibertad Supporters,

Former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Jose Perez Gonzalez, who served 5 years in prison for is work in support of the Vieques struggle, suffered a stroke in May of this year that has left him paralyzed on his left side and blind in the right eye.

His doctors have declared him incapable of employment. He cannot receive Social Security because he was in prison for the past five years and unemployed; Social Security requires you to be working for five years before the date you apply to receive it.

Ileana Morales, Jose's wife, has been paying for all of his medical bills, medications, supporting their 9-year old daughter and covering all the household expenses on her meager salary. Also, Jose has a son who lives in Connecticut and has been unable to pay her child support since his affliction.

Ileana has written a letter to the organizations and individuals that supported Jose during this incarceration asking for economic support. This situation has been extremely stressful on both Jose and Ileana; this stress has upset Jose's recuperative process and his emotional state.

We must take action! The ProLibertad Freedom campaign is calling on our allies to support The Jose Perez Freedom Fund.

We are identifying 50 organizations and individuals to donate $20 to the Freedom Fund. Our goal is to raise $1000 in January, so we can send Jose and his family a $1000 check.

Please support this campaign! None of our patriots should be abandoned in a time of need! Together we can show Jose and his family that the Puerto Rican nation and all its allies care!

Send your tax-deductible donation to:

418 W145th St.
New York, N.Y. 10031

Please endorse the check or money order to: IFCO/ProLibertad and write "Jose Perez Gonzalez Freedom Fund" in the memo section.

Once you have sent your donation please email ProLbertad: and let us know you sent your donation.

ProLibertad is going to send a "Get Well card" to Jose, along with the check, and want to include a list of all the people that contributed to the Freedom Fund.

We want Jose to see that he is in our hearts! Message from Carlos Alberto Torres/Mensaje de Carlos Alberto Torres

As many of you know, I was supposed to meet with the Parole Board on Thursday January 22nd, 2009. After evaluating this period of time and various unexpected things, I have decided to postpone the parole hearing for a few months. The Parole Board has agreed to the postponement and will hear my case in either April or May. I am fine and am optimistic that the process is going well. I am confident this is the right decision.

Como es de su conocimiento tenia pautado para este jueves 22 de enero de 2009 la audiencia frente a la Comision de Libertad Bajo Palabra (Parole Board). Luego de evaluar el momento y varios imprevistos he determinado aplazar la vista frente al Parole por unos meses. La comision ya a aceptado posponer la vista y estar viendo mi caso en audiencia entre abril y mayo de 2009. Me encuentro bien y optimista ya que el proceso esta fluyendo adecuadamente. Estoy confiado en que esta desicion es la mas prudente.

Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Carlos Alberto Torres is going before the Federal Parole Board in April or May!
Now more than ever, we need to show the Parole Board that he has international support. We need to send the Parole board thousands of these letters! We must flood their mail boxes with our demands for Carlos Alberto’s parole!
The National Boricua Human Rights Network, El Comite de Derechos Humanos de Puerto Rico (The Puerto Rican Human Rights Committee), and The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign, are calling on all supporters of the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners to sign the letter attached and mail it to:
Jan Susler (Lawyer)
1180 N. Milwaukee Ave. 3rd Fl.
Chicago, Il 60622

The letter can be found at :

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