Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Rod Coronado 2 months and counting

From:    "Support for Rod Coronado" <info@supportrod.org>
Date: Tue, July 8, 2008

As I began to write this post, it hit me, it has only been two months....
Two long months, wow, time has a way of going really fast, and also really
When I speak to Rod, he continues to be very centered and finds solace in
the future we are envisioning together. But, there is something that has
settled into him as well; a reconciliation with boredom and monotony. He
sounds dulled from the enthusiastic person he tends to be, even when he
was in prison the last round. His routine helps him survive it, but I can
tell the lack of family connection is making it difficult for him. A
father without two monkeys jumping on him, running around, and wanting his
attention is a father who suffers. I can only empathize from when our
daughter was away from us during his San Diego trial, those three weeks
were void of the brightest light in my life. For him now, it is without
that light daily.
I am fortunate enough to be visiting him again soon, with the
accompaniment of our daughter. His son, who lives away from us, has
devised a plan to visit him, too. Unfortunately, at age seven, a lot of
the financial aspects of making a trip like this happen are not on the top
of his list. His mother has happily agreed to make the trip happen, if
there is a way to afford it. I said I would gladly send out a request for
donations to help him and his mom get to Oklahoma City to see Rod. I know
that would be on the top of Rod's list of gifts, and also feel that Rod's
son will learn a lot by being exposed to visiting his father while he is
incarcerated. It will color in the story that he has heard about his dad
being in prison, and he will see things that most children will not
experience. This is his experience as a seven year old, and it will help
him to know where his dad his, and what it is like there. El Reno FCI is
actually a nice landscape and old brick architecture
, and the processing area was not like the one in Tucson, where it felt as
though one was entering the Death Star.
I realize our family has been granted much support from the community, and
we thank you. I hope Rod's son is able to make this trip happen, it is
encouraging to see the same spirit alive in him that is in his dad!
Please send donations through PayPal, or if you have frequent flyer miles
you could donate, (which actually I am not sure how that even works?)
please email the info@supportrod.org with ideas!
PS: Maya is here and wanted to add some of her own words~
Thank you for everything you have done for my daddy, and I hope someday to
be friends with you at our farm!


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