Thursday, June 19, 2008

Word from Eric McDavid Support

ELP Information Bulletin (19th of June 2008)

Dear friends

ELP has received the following e-mail from Eric McDavid's support campaign. As everyone is aware, Eric is an American vegan eco-activist who is serving just under 20 years for THINKING about maybe, in the future, carrying out an ELF action.....


Dear friends,

Yesterday we finally heard from Eric. He is settling in at Victorville,
and adjusting to his new surroundings. He applied for a job assignment at
the library and is waiting for the paperwork to be processed. In the
meantime, he's playing softball (they put him in left field, which kept
him busy), guitar, and readjusting to the feeling of stepping foot outside
without shackles on. After 2 1/2 years of not feeling the earth and grass
beneath his feet, he is excited to be experiencing these new sensations
(apparently there are also many huge crows in the area, and Eric has been
enjoying their presence as well). He is hopeful that soon he will also
have access to email. The prison seemed prepared for his dietary needs,
and he has been receiving vegan food since his arrival.

For some unknown reason, his commissary account has not followed him to
Victorville (it's possible that this is because all prisoner's commissary
accounts are processed through an office in Des Moines, which is currently
experiencing massive flooding). If you would like to donate to Eric's
commissary account, you can do so through Western Union. For information
on how to deposit funds, visit:

You will need Eric's name and registration number (16209-097). Please
read the instructions carefully, as there are a number of specific steps
you need to take when calling or making payments online.

Thanks to everyone for their continued support.


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