Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Tre Arrow's Press Statement

Date:    Tue, June 3, 2008

June 3rd, 2008

A warm blessing to you all – i thank you for your support and for being
here today. Some may look at this non – cooperation plea agreement as a victory.
Some may see it as a defeat. It's really neither! It's simply another step in
this journey as i walk my path of conscience. You see, it's never been about
me. From before the days of the ledge-sit, right thru 'til today, this has
been and will always be about the commitment to leave our Earth Mother in a
healthier, more beautiful state then when i arrived. This is about taking
back our power from the government and corporate entities that would have us
believe that monetary wealth and the acquisition of material objects is more
important than the health of the planet, it's people and the billions of life forms
with whom we share this home. This is about being a voice for the trees, our
animal friends, the waters, mountains and blue skies. This is a calling to consider
our children grandchildren and the generations to follow. This is living
up to our divine potential. This is an opportunity to be a voice for truth,
compassion and respect in the face of profound corruption and disregard
for the sanctity of life that permeates the governments and corporations of the

Now, more than ever, the desperate need to be thoughtful stewards of this
earth is upon us. The reality of the enormous detriment impact humyns have on the
planet can no longer be ignored. In honor of our Earth Mother and all her
sacred creatures (big and small, plant and animal, humyn and non –
humyn), i ask you to take a deep, hard look at your life and ask yourself this one

"Is this what really matters?"

This government with its many devices of power and control has constructed
the Prison Industrial Complex, not as a means for healing and benefit to society,
but as a form of institutionalized slavery that garners big-business
Most are worse off when they leave prison than when they arrived. Instead of
rehabilitation and true opportunity for self improvement, the Prison
Industrial Complex is largely a political tool to crush dissent and keep the status- quo
in place. No being deserves to be locked in a cage, no matter what their
"crime". Many government and corporate officials are responsible for the most
heinous crimes yet never spend a day behind bars.

I say to those who try to keep the voice of dissent squelched: you may
cage my body, but you will never succeed in trapping or containing my mind and
The deeper the oppression, the stronger the light radiates. And so i declare
with confidence and passion: As long as i am able, i will do what i can to
help preserve the last remaining wild places while helping to restore the damage
this one race has caused.

Someday, in the not-so-distant future, i will meet you on the outside of the
prison walls and fences, and together we will heal this Earth.


thank U


tre arrow

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