Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Solstice-Energy Circle for Tre Arrow

Date: Thu, June 19, 2008

We will be gathering at the top of Mt. Tabor to celebrate the Summer Solstice
and to send positive energy to Tre and Mother Earth. Heal yourself, heal the
earth, and heal Tre.

WHAT: Summer Solstice-Energy Circle for Tre

WHEN: June 20th, Friday @ 5:30PM

WHERE: Top of Mt.Tabor

WHY: This has been a really long road for Tre and he could really use our
love, light, and healing energy. Tre is aware this is happening and he will be
receiving the energy at 5:45pm. If you cannot make it to Mt. Tabor, please
still send him positive energy at 5:45pm wherever you are.

Summer officially begins wuth the Summer Solstice on Friday, June 20 at
4:59pm. Sol + stice derives from a combination of Latin words meaning "sun" + "to
stand still." As the days lengthen, the sun rises higher and higher until it
seems to stand still in the sky.

As a major celestial event, the Summer Solstice results in the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The Northern Hemisphere celebrates in
June, but the people on the Southern half of the earth have their longest summer day in

The Summer Solstice represent a new beginning. It is time for purification, and renewal of the self. A time to release the sadness, fears, and pains from
your life. It is time to celebrate the joy, warmth, and laughter of summer. A time
for purification and renewed energy. A time to celebrate the fullness of life
and the power of the sun. A time to heal mother earth, heal yourself, and


~Blessed Be~

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