Friday, May 23, 2008

The Lonely Path

From:    "Support for Rod Coronado" <>
Date: Fri, May 23, 2008

” the lonely path,

through dust and fog-

sweet home!”

It’s been two weeks now that Rod has been up in Oklahoma, a place that
will serve as a residence to him for the next 10 months. It, like the
above haiku, is a lonely path, but what awaits is the beacon of inner

He says it is really not so bad; the yard is nice and actually has
vegetation, the other prisoners have been very helpful, and it seems as he
may navigate his way through there alright. He said he could sit in the
afternoons, alone in the soccer yard, leaning on a goal post, reading
undisturbed. He said there are spaces of peace there.

The first week went as anticipated~ he being put in the whole as the
incoming terrorist……. They needed to make sure he wasn’t going to make any
trouble. Once he met with the “captain”, he was allowed to join general
population but he would be monitored very closely. That is for certain,
as I have only received one letter and he says he is sending one daily. I
think that is due to the regulations that every letter must be personally
read before it goes out. This is not standard procedure. Also, Rod can
call me between the hours of 1-4 pm his time, so that every call is live
monitored, as well. This means I can talk to him at 1pm my time, if I am
off of work. Such is the game.

At first I was not as disturbed by these limits, understanding the system
of hierarchy and what it aims to do. But as I think more on it, I become
more concerned. The reasoning on the part of FCI to monitor Rod is that
they want to make sure that Rod is not recruiting from within prison.
That is heavy. At first I laughed, I know it seems almost silly to think
in their terms. But, what it means is that they perceive Rod as a serious
threat to National Security, a recruiter who must be monitored from even
within his confinement!

I hear in Rod’s voice that he knows he has to be very careful. There is a
line in our conversations that we cannot cross. They seem to be looking
for something, and that makes me cautious. I have felt how power-hungry
and tyrannical this system is, and I have no doubt that once they are able
to find a reason to punish Rod, they would. It makes me hesitate to
believe that the end of a battle with the government is near.

Sweet Home!

On a lighter note, I am trying to get myself out to Oklahoma, in June to
surprise Rod with a visit! It is intended to be a surprise, so if you
write him please don’t mention it! At this point, I charged the ticket to
his credit card, and I am not sure how I will pay for a hotel and rental
car! But, I am determined to make it happen! I know he needs me, I hear
it in his voice!

If you could assist in any way, it would be appreciated! We have always
considered the community support such a honor to have! I again would be
so appreciative of any help in this direction. If you please use the
paypal option , that is always easiest for us, as well.

Thanks for keeping us in your hearts on the path through dust and fog-


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