Saturday, February 09, 2008

Anarchists arrested in Bologna, Italy, for helping a woman

In October 2007 Italian police, in Bologna, attempted to detain a woman against her will with the intention of forcing her to take medication. A group of Anarchists saw this and went to the womans aid, managing to free the woman. During the struggle the police managed to loose a pair of handcuffs and it is alleged that someone tried to remove a police officers gun.
As a result of this action five anarchists were arrested, charged with robbery and resisting the police and remanded into custody.
ELP also understands that earlier this week 3 more people were arrested in connection with this "offence".
Also, a few weeks ago, five more people were arrested for allegedly spray painting walls with messages of solidarity for those who had been arrested.
The good news is, that all but one of the suspects have been released from prison under house arrest. However, Juan Fernandez remains in prison. His address is:
Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez
Casa Circondariale Poggioreale
Via Nuova Poggioreale, 177
80183 Napoli
Below is an old article (written in Italian) about the arrests......


Il 13 ottobre 2007 sono stati arrestati 5 fra compagni e compagni legati al Fuoriluogo di Bologna che avevano cercato di impedire un TSO (Trattamento sanitario Obbligatorio) su una ragazza che si era seplicemente addormentata in strada. Alla convalida degli arresti Magda e Manu sono state mandate ai domiciliari, mentre Christian (Faco), Andrea (Texino) e Federico sono in carcere.
Nei giorni seguenti altri compagni sono stati tratti in arresto e processati per direttissima perche' colti a vergare scritte in solidarieta' degli arrestati. A Juan e Miroslav (Bogu) 10 mesi e sono attualmente in carcere, a David, Belle ed Alessio 4 mesi ed il divieto di dimora a Bologna.
Il 23 novembre Magda e' stata condotta al carcere La Dozza perche', dicono, non ha risposto ad un controllo notturno.

Per maggiori informazioni:

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