Saturday, September 01, 2007

Chip Fitzgerald has Parole hearing Sept. 26th- act now!

Romaine ‘Chip’ Fitzgerald has a parole hearing set for
September 26th. We are asking all supporters of
political prisoners to support Chip and do your part
to free this man.

Chip has the “dubious distinction” of being the
longest held political prisoner in the United States.
Held since 1969, he is serving a life sentence for a
crime he did not commit: the killing of security
guard, Barge Miller.

Weeks prior to the killing of the guard, Chip had also
been involved in a shoot-out with a CHP officer, who
later admitted that had orders to shoot-to-kill
members of the Southern California Black Panther

During the altercation Chip received a gunshot wound
to the head. He was still recovering from the wound
when the security guard was killed.

Chip admits defending himself with the CHP officer but
is adamant about his innocence in the death of Barge
Miller. It is important to note that these
altercations took place during the same period as the
targeting of Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt, an LA Black
Panther who served 27 years in prison for a murder he
did not commit.

It was later discover that the FBI and other policing
agencies had, as their policy, orders to neutralize
and destroy the Black Panther Party. As part of that
campaign leaders were assassinated and falsely accused
for crimes they did not commit. Chip is one of these

Now Chip has a real possibility of walking through
those prison gates a free man, but he needs your help.

Chip needs people to send letters on his behalf. The
more that is sent the stronger message is delivered.
Please take action now.

Please check out the ABCF’s Chip Fitzgerald Freedom
Campaign website. There you will find a sample letter
that you can print out and send in. THIS IS SOMETHING

Chip Fitzgerald Freedom Campaign:

Thank you for your support,


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