Friday, July 27, 2007

In wrongful convictions, justice system turns up guilty

By Adam Liptak
The New York Times
Published: Monday, July 23, 2007
In April, Jerry Miller, an Illinois man who served 24 years for a rape he did not commit, became the 200th American prisoner cleared by DNA evidence. His case, like the 199 others, represented a catastrophic failure of the criminal justice system.
When an airplane crashes, investigators pore over the wreckage to discover what went wrong and to learn from the experience. The justice system has not done anything similar.
But a new study does. Brandon Garrett, a law professor at the University of Virginia, has, for the first time, systematically examined the 200 cases, in which innocent people served an average of 12 years in prison. In each case, of course, the evidence used to convict them was at least flawed and often false - yet juries, trial judges and appellate courts failed to notice.
``A few types of unreliable trial evidence predictably supported wrongful convictions,'' Garrett concluded in his study, ``Judging Innocence,'' which will be published in the Columbia Law Review in January.
The leading cause of the wrongful convictions was erroneous identification by eyewitnesses, which occurred 79 percent of the time. In a quarter of the cases, such testimony was the only direct evidence against the defendant.
Faulty forensic evidence was next, present in 55 percent of the cases.
In some of those cases, courts put undue weight on evidence with limited value, as when a defendant's blood type matched evidence from the crime scene. In others, prosecution experts exaggerated, made honest mistakes or committed outright fraud.
Most of the forensic evidence involved problems with the analysis of blood or semen. Forty-two cases featured expert testimony about hair, an area that is, Garrett wrote, ``notoriously unreliable.''
Informants testified against the defendants in 18 percent of the cases. (In three cases, it turned out they had an unusually powerful motive for their false testimony, as DNA evidence proved they were in fact guilty of the crime they had pinned on the defendant.)
There were false confessions in 16 percent of the cases, with two-thirds of those involving defendants who were juveniles, mentally retarded or both.
The 200 cases examined in the study are a distinctive subset of criminal cases. More than 90 percent of those exonerated by DNA were convicted of rape, or of both rape and murder, rape being the classic crime in which DNA can categorically prove innocence.
For other crimes, there is often no biological evidence or, if there is, it can give only circumstantial hints about guilt or innocence.
Only 14 of those exonerated had been sentenced to death, 13 in rape-murders. There is a widespread misconception that DNA evidence has freed many inmates from death row, but it is actually a rare murder not involving rape in which biological evidence can provide categorical proof of innocence.
``DNA testing is available in fewer than 10 percent of violent crimes,'' said Peter Neufeld, a founder of the Innocence Project at Cardozo Law School, which was instrumental in securing many of the exonerations.
``But the same causes of wrongful convictions exist in cases with DNA evidence as in those cases that don't.''
Garrett's study strongly suggests, then, that there are thousands of people serving long sentences for crimes they did not commit but who have no hope that DNA can clear them.
In a second forthcoming study of false convictions, this one focused on capital cases, two law professors - Samuel Gross of the University of Michigan and Barbara O'Brien of Michigan State - cautioned that ``exonerations are highly unrepresentative of wrongful convictions in general.''
``The main thing we can safely conclude from exonerations is that there are many other false convictions that we have not discovered,'' the Michigan study said. ``In addition, a couple of strong demographic patterns appear to be reliable: black men accused of raping white women face a greater risk of false conviction than other rape defendants; and young suspects, those under 18, are at greater risk of false confession than other suspects.''
Garrett also found that exonerated convicts were more apt to be members of minority groups than was the prison population generally.
For instance, 73 percent of the convicts cleared of rape charges were black or Hispanic, compared with 37 percent of all rape convicts.
The courts performed miserably in ferreting out the innocent. The U.S. Supreme Court, for instance, refused to hear appeals from 30 people who turned out to be innocent.
Of course, appeals courts do not typically reconsider a jury's factual findings, focusing instead on asserted procedural errors. Only 20 of the 200 even appealed on the ground that they were innocent; none of those claims was granted.
Perhaps the most troubling finding in Garrett's study was how reluctant the criminal justice system was to allow DNA testing in the first place.
Prosecutors often opposed it, and 16 courts initially denied requests for testing.
Yet DNA evidence can do more than free the innocent. In many cases, it also identified the person who actually committed the crime.
``In 40 percent of our cases, we not only exonerated but also identified the real perpetrator,'' Neufeld of the Innocence Project said.
``In every single one of those cases, that perpetrator had committed violent crimes in the intervening years.''
The era of DNA exonerations should be a finite one. These days, DNA testing is common on the front end of prosecutions, meaning that in a few years, the window that the 200 exonerations has opened on the justice system will close.

1 comment:

  1. Liptak's article is right on target. We haven't come close to finding all the bad convictions where DNA can be helpful, and the number where DNA is not a factor must be many times more.

    It's a national disgrace that our criminal justice system mostly ignores this problem and often tries to keep anyone else from looking closely at its performance.

    Most prosecutors are responsible and follow the law. But too many do not, and the wrongful conviction of innocent defendants, sometimes by prosecutors who bend the law (often by hiding evidence)to gain those convictions, is a plague on the American criminal justice system.

    There is significant documentation of such improper convictions, in a series by Maurice Possley in the Chicago Tribune, in a study by Columbia Law School, in the book "In Spite of Innocence," and in the marvelous work of Barry Scheck and his colleagues in the Innocence Project.

    Too many prosecutors abuse their power, and they almost always get away with it. They almost always fiercely resist any objective review of their performance. And, even if a conviction is overturned and the judge specifically says there was “prosecutorial abuse,” they are rarely censured and never punished (Prosecutor Nifong being the huge and encouraging exception).

    My fury over this issue led to my second novel, “A Good Conviction,” which tells the story of a young man wrongfully convicted in a high profile Central Park murder, brought about by a prosecutor who knew the defendant was actually innocent and hid the exculpatory evidence that would have led to a not guilty verdict.

    Several prosecutors and criminal appeals attorneys helped me with the legal aspects of a Brady appeal in New York State, and all of them agreed that what I portrayed in my story was both realistic and all too possible.

    Steve Cohen, the former federal prosecutor who was so instrumental in the infamous Palladium case (he’s now Chief of Staff to Attorney General Cuomo), read my book and told me at dinner that it was the most powerful case against bad prosecutors that he had ever read, more compelling even than John Grisham's "The Innocent Man."

    Dan Slepian, network producer of many crime and legal news shows, says … “Having spent countless hours working with detectives, courts, attorneys, and wrongly convicted inmates I was most impressed with how well researched and accurate your narrative was. You really nailed it. In addition, it was a great read.”

    Judge (ret.) Leslie Crocker Snyder, former Manhattan Assistant District Attorney, first sex crimes prosecutor in the U.S., says … “A Good Conviction is a well written, well paced, and fascinating tale of prosecutorial abuse in the Manhattan DA's office. Makes one wonder how many other times something like this has occurred and just how high the abuse is actually sanctioned.”

    Michael Radelet, one of the authors of In Spite of Innocence, a study of over 400 cases of persons wrongly convicted of crimes carrying the death penalty says … “A Good Conviction is an unusually gripping story of an erroneous conviction and the passionate fight to correct that injustice. Weinstein's account of what a bad prosecutor does to Joshua Blake provides a frightening and realistic parallel to many of the true life cases we documented in our study.”

    You can find "A Good Conviction" at ...

