Thursday, June 07, 2007

Eugene Weekly article about solidarity events for "ECO-WARRIOR JEFFREY LUERS"

Jeffrey "Free" Luers, August 2005
from the Eugene Weekly, 6-7-07
The case of environmental activist Jeffrey "Free" Luers has drawn the attention of activists both locally and worldwide since he was imprisoned in 2000, and every year protests and other events mark the anniversary of his imprisonment. This year's Day of Solidarity with Luers, the "Jeff Luers 7th Anniversary Event," includes music, a showing of the documentary How I Became an Eco-Warrior and presentations on "green scare" sentencing hearings and Luers' appeal. The event is at 7 pm Wednesday, June 13 at Cozmic Pizza. $5 suggested donation.
Earlier this year the Oregon Court of Appeals reversed Luers' 22-year, eight-month sentence for setting fire to three SUVs at the Joe Romania Chevrolet dealership and attempted arson at the Tyree Oil depot. The court upheld the 2001 charges, but overruled the merger of some of his arson convictions. Luers will get a new sentence with a possible 10-12 year reduction.
Jeffrey Luers' supporters at find his original sentence harsh, pointing out that no people were harmed and damages were moderate – less than $50,000. Supporters claim his political views and not his actions were on trial. "We believe that Jeff received such a drastic sentence because of the political nature of the action he took," reads a statement on the Jeff Luers Support Group webpage. They point out that more severe crimes result in shorter sentences.
Prosecutors viewed Luers as an eco-terrorist who lacks remorse and whose crimes could have led to more severe damage and even loss of life.
Luers' co-defendant, Craig "Critter" Marshall, pleaded guilty to charges related to the Romania fire and was released on parole after serving four and a half years. — Erin Rokita

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