Thursday, February 22, 2007


Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News
Feb. 21, 2007.

Some reasons why Onkwehonwe across Turtle Island are having difficulty breaking into professions is because of systematic prejudice that is being instilled in the dominant society. Sports figures are being fired after achieving success. High level Onkwehonwe hockey players are sitting on benches. Professionals are not invited into jobs where they can have authority and can do something worthwhile. This is not accidental. It's part of a long term plan.

The Counter Intelligence Program of the 1960’s and 1970’s, dubbed COINTELPRO, was a systematic use of fraud and force to sabotage reputations, rights and activities. In re-reading “War at Home” by Brian Glick, Southam Press, he says, “Low intensity warfare starts early to neutralize potential opposition before it can take hold”. It appears COINTELPRO not only lives on but has been here for a long time. The government is still setting up agents that expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit or neutralize specific targeted individuals and groups. It is coordinated with local police and prosecutors, news media, business and foundation executives and university, church and “patriotic” organizations.

Over the past 50 years clandestine work became an essential part of the government’s mode of operation. Today there are many trained specialists on covert action.

Any social order based on inequality of wealth and power depends on political repression to control the disadvantaged majority. Modern elites must use covert measures.

Canada boasts it’s “legally decolonized”. It must effectively promote this image to the”free world” and comply with free speech and the rule of law. Shows of dissent within its borders would undermine its image abroad. If Canada is seen as unduly repressive, it will have trouble maintaining the support of its citizens and its effectiveness worldwide.

The “war at home” is primarily the responsibility of the federal government which is supposed to look “democratic”. Business and industry now rely on the government to do unprofitable work like run post offices, airports, roads, job training, pacifying workers and covert operations. They can’t maintain an expensive apparatus for oppressing political dissent as they once did. Provincial, state and local governments don’t have the funds. The job falls on the federal government.

Where did this system come from? It is not indigenous to Turtle Island. It’s not new! The European nation state system is based on a monarchial model with control by a small elite. Propaganda and espionage was used to control the people. The Germans and French could set up a million soldiers to attack and kill each other. Over the past 50 years on Turtle Island clandestine work has become an essential part of European-inspired government policy. Today the multi national corporations on Turtle Island are controlled in European centers. People here are unaware of this effort and are easy targets for the coming take over.

The idea for the KKK, Skinheads, the Nazi Party and other racist groups also come from Europe. In the 1930’s Germany and Japan were setting up fascism. There were mass demonstrations in the U.S. supporting the Nazis until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. At the end of the war the movement stopped for a while but is now reasserting itself. It’s now under Homeland Security, the Minutemen and all the other militia groups who are being given encouragement and guns to go after targeted people and groups.

COINTELPRO is not new. One of its jobs is to erase the Onkwehonwe system of achieving peace through egalitarian and consensual relationships. One method to undermine us is through infiltration of their agents and informants to spy, discredit and disrupt our activities. One of their objectives is to scare off our supporters.

For the last one hundred years there has been an exerted effort to eliminate our traditional governing systems and our blood lines that attach us to our land. The Europeans want to claim title to Turtle Island. We are the target because we are the legitimate government of Turtle Island. Our resistance is getting in the way of turning Turtle Island into a police state dominated by a small group of people.

This covert project to foment anti-Onkwehonwe hysteria among the public has not worked. We have been able to push Canada and Ontario into the wall by bringing out our documents and precedents to support our legal positions over our lands. They have become desperate.

The Six Nations Confederacy Chiefs are now in charge of land and development on the Haldimand Tract. There are many strangers suddenly showing up trying to infiltrate the Six Nations to “give us advice”.

One man, for example, came on the scene at Six Nations. We can’t find out who he is. The trail always runs cold when we inquire among the Tuscaroras in North Carolina and the Tuscaroras in New York State where he professes to come from. He went to Texas and started a legal action on behalf of the Mohawks, without our knowledge. He also copyrighted the “Halidmand Tract” in his name. He also claims to be a “trustee” to all Mohawk possessions. Last year he wanted $110 million from whoever to relinquish his rights to our property. Why is the action coming from an oil well state? We don’t believe the Onkwehonwe who are fronting these actions are aware of the overall strategy.

Could the U.S. be orchestrating this operation in Canada? We caught some officers of the U.S. police known as the “ATF” (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) sniffing around Six Nations. They’d been there since February 2006 when we reclaimed our land. Canadian Minister of Public Safety, Stockwell Day, said it was perfectly alright with him to have the ATF, FBI and CIA operating in Canada! There was no criticism at all.

We’ve been made aware that in the 1980’s there was a “war room” within the Indian Affairs “Tower of Terror” in Hull Quebec run by a Canadian army officer.

We are stereotyped in the mass media as hardened criminals and welfare bums or beneficiaries of reverse discrimination. This distortion is meant to legitimize our arrest and imprisonment. They scapegoat us as the cause of the working people’s problems.

The police instigate the violence and fabricate the horrors. Dissidents are deliberately criminalized through false charges, frame ups and offensive stories publicized in the corporate media.

The police promote the stresses until we start to turn on each another. Our people are attacked and neutralized by phony charges and scandals so that we can’t carry on our work. We are being manipulated into turning on each other. Psychological warfare tactics include charging us with phony crimes. By the time we are cleared, many of our supporters and financial backers have been scared away and our work is in ruins.

The cops bring the vigilantes into the region. Several days ago the Ontario Provincial Police announced that they are putting in 55 to 70 police in Caledonia, the town next to Six Nations. This is absurd. Ontario and Quebec policing is being centralized by getting rid of small police forces. Local control is being removed. The elite want to maintain strong central control.

We have learned that the U.S. is carrying out surveillance and covert operations for Canada “in support of national foreign policy objectives abroad”. Canada cannot legally spy on its own people. However, covert action by foreigners can be endorsed at the highest levels of government.

Low intensity operations was practiced on the Mohawks in Kahehsatake when Col. Musgrave of MI-5 was brought in to develop tactics to break us down. He did not understand us, so it did not work and he’s still wondering why.

Provocateurs are government agents. They are trained to “seize every opportunity to carry out disruptive activity everywhere possible, even social and other contacts. they've been known to come in and have father children with local women and then leave. They expertly spread rumors and make unfounded accusations to inflame disagreements among activists and provoke splits. Their proposals are divisive, sabotage important activities, squander scarce resources, steal funds, seduce leaders, promote rivalries, provoke jealousy and publicly embarrass their opponents. They lead people into unnecessary dangers and set them up for prosecutions”.

Their favorite is “bad jacketing” a target. That’s calling one of ours a government or police agent. It’s meant to draw attention away from the provocateur. It causes confusion, fuels distrust and paranoia, diverts time and energy from a group’s political work, turns co-workers against each other and provokes expulsion and violence.

The government actually subsidizes arms, directs and protects a sordid array of racist, right wing thugs. The minutes of a meeting in Caledonia that was called to organize an attack on the Six Nations, was attended by an Ontario member of parliament, local officials, the "Brown Shirts" and rioters. They got the nod from the Ontario Provincial Police to buy weapons with government grants.

We are always supposed to know who everybody is, their grandparents, their parents, their families and all their relations. Clandestine repression will only end when the race it targets is eliminated. It’s interesting. It’s scary. Beware of strangers.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

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