Thursday, February 15, 2007

Deadline for Daniel McGowan letters has been extended to March 2, 2007

Dear Friends,

We are happy to announce that the deadline for letters to the Judge has been extended for the last time to March 2, 2007. The reason for this is that Daniel's sentencing will be postponed for about one month and we want to take advantage of that extra time. We are sorry if you were scrambling at the last moment to send in your letter and want to encourage you to still send them in as early as possible. Although the sentencing is in May, we have to submit the letters along with large briefs a long time in advance. The earlier we have them, the better.

We also want to thank the more than 100 people that have already written letters. It has been inspiring and very hopeful to see the beautiful letters that have been written in Daniel's defense.

As always, feel free to send us questions about the letter. The most common question is "does it make sense to write one/does mine count". Yes, indeed it does. Broad community support for Daniel and rational arguments about his sentence is part of the bigger picture and an important one. Please keep those letters coming and if you wrote one, ask a friend or two.

Have a heart! Write a letter for Daniel.

***New deadline is March 2, 2007***

Guidelines and where to send the letter is below.
Thank you so much for your energy and solidarity!

Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan


Guidelines for Letters to Judge Aiken in Support of Daniel McGowan

Daniel McGowan will be sentenced by Judge Ann Aiken sometime in the Spring. Daniel’s lawyers will submit a detailed memorandum prior to sentencing, along with letters from family members, friends, colleagues, and other supporters. Please refer to these guidelines if you are writing a letter to Judge Aiken on Daniel’s behalf. Send it to his lawyers at the address below.

Examples of Things to Write About – Choose Only What is Right for You

* How you met Daniel and how you know him (through school, work, mutual friends, prisoner support work, etc.); how long you have known Daniel.

* What you know about Daniel’s character, his reputation in the community; personal experiences you have had with him that illustrate important aspects of his character.

* What you know about Daniel’s relationship with his family, his wife, and his close friends – the people who will be his personal support when he is in prison and when he is released. Describe for the judge how these people will assist him through these difficult times.

* How you personally will be able to help Daniel get back to a normal life when he is released from prison, whether it is through helping him to pursue his education, remain employed, or establish a home.

* Examples, from your personal knowledge, of what Daniel has done in his life to help others, whether it is through activist work, charitable work, work for non-profit organizations, or personally helping you or someone you know with something. Specific examples of Daniel’s contributions to charitable, community, and non-profit organizations are helpful.

* Examples, from your personal knowledge, of how Daniel demonstrates what he believes in, whether it is by arranging Really, Really Free Markets, collecting electronic gear to recycle, or volunteering for causes he supports.

* The Judge may consider whether Daniel is likely to commit another crime. If you have specific reasons to share with the Judge to demonstrate why you believe that Daniel is unlikely to commit another crime, please explain those in your letter.

* The Judge may consider whether Daniel has shown that, after the crimes were committed, his conduct demonstrated rehabilitation. If you have specific examples of his conduct, between July of 2001 and December 2005 that you feel the Judge should know about that show Daniel has engaged in significant rehabilitation from the time he committed the crimes, please explain those in your letter.

* The Judge may consider whether to sentence Daniel as a “terrorist” under certain provisions of federal law and sentencing guidelines. While this is largely a technical legal issue that the lawyers will write about, you may wish to write to the Judge about how Daniel’s case compares to other crimes and incidents that you are personally aware of that either have or have not been treated as “terrorist” incidents.

There may be other things you may wish to say to the judge as well. Our suggestions are just that – suggestions. Please make sure you write in a polite, respectful manner to the Judge.

What Not to Write About
Some topics are simply not helpful subjects of discussion in a letter to the Court related to sentencing. We ask that you not justify or rationalize the incidents. We ask that you not compare Daniel to others who have entered pleas and who are also facing sentencing or to those who have not been arrested or are fugitives.

Address Your Letter To:
Judge Ann Aiken
U.S. District Court
Eugene, Oregon

Andrea Crabtree
Schroeter Goldmark & Bender
810 Third Avenue, Suite 500
Seattle, Washington 98104

Please, do NOT mail your letter to Judge Aiken. After you have signed the letter, MAIL IT TO THE LAWYERS' office. They will deliver all of the correspondence to the Judge at one time, along with other sentencing materials.

Please get letters to the lawyers no later than March 2, 2007.

E-mail or call Andrea Crabtree at 206-622-8000

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