Tuesday, July 18, 2006


the 'green scare' is still haunting us......

Jeff Hogg is a caretaker for autistic adults and LCC nursing student who has been jailed for refusing to testify in front of a grand jury. (see below for more info)

there are many things you can do to support Jeff, but this summer (in Eugene) we've decided to make supporting Jeff easier than ever! All you have to do is donate a few never (or rarely) used items to Jeff's Benefit Garage Sale.

what to donate: antiques, appliances, books, music, tools, clothes – anything you think you could sell at a garage sale.

how to donate: just call Lydia (541.556.3392) to set up a pick time. That means all you have to do is put everything in a box or bag and we'll do the rest. You can also feel free to drop donations anytime at 1080 W. Third (the old shamrock house) – but remember, if your donation is valuable, please call first (541.556.3392) to make sure someone will be available to accept the donation.

when to donate: you can donate anytime between now and the date of the garage sale (August 18th and 19th – location TBA) but, the sooner the better.

In fact, we'd like to get your phone call NOW!

Have questions? Wanna set up a pick up time and date?

Contact Lydia : femmemilitia@gmail.com / 541.556.3392

It is believed the jury is inquiring about a series of arsons that happened in the region years ago. He has been told he is not a target of the investigation but that prosecution and the grand jury just want to ask him some questions, presumably about his past, his associates, his affiliations and his background. Standing by his beliefs, jeff has refused to cooperate with what he believes is a coercive proceeding. He was found in comtempt of court. It is possible he will be held until the expiration of the grand jury, which is set to conclude September 30, 2006.

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