Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Seattle: Solidarity Noise Demonstration Ends in at least 15 Arrests

July 24, 2011 Puget Sound Anarchists

Tonight at about 10:45, between 30 and 40 anarchists gathered outside the
downtown jail for a noise demonstration in solidarity with the six still
in jail from last night's arrests. (One of the seven arrested has been

The noise demonstration proceeded around the jail for about 15 minutes,
banging pots and pans, banging on road signs and walls with sticks,
throwing fireworks, writing anti-cop slogans on walls, and blockading the
streets around the jail.

At this point, cop cars came from all directions, including undercover
cars and canine units. The demonstration attempted to disperse, but many
people were chased down. At least fifteen people were arrested, and five
more were detained and released.

This is a call for all kinds of solidarity acts--including an appeal for
funds. Those who are not currently in jail need help to bail out and
provide further legal support for their friends and comrades.

Paypal: seattlelegaldefense@gmail.com

Seattle pigs break up anarchist party, savagely beat people with shovel,
arrest 7

July 23, 2011 Anarchist News

Last night there was a party at an anarchist house. Things were fun and
fine but around midnight two pigs came into the back yard of the house
without permission. They called for reinforcements and around a dozen cops
attacked the partygoers, hitting some with a shovel, a bottles, Tasers and
batons, severely injuring several and arresting 7.

Show your solidarity.

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