Monday, July 25, 2011

Anarchist reports from protests suppressed in Malaysia

July 22, 2011 by Sean Matthews - WSM Anarkismo

Anarchist report on pro-democracy protests in Malaysia

More than 20,000 people demonstrated for electoral reforms across
Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital, on Saturday in a rare protest
that was declared illegal by police. The protest was called for by
opposition groups, including the Coalition for Free and Fair
Elections, Bersih. Police fired tear-gas and water cannons at
demonstrators and arrested more than 1,400 people, including top
opposition leaders, according to protest organisers. The activists'
demands include an overhaul of voter registration lists, tougher
measures to curb fraud and fairer opportunities for opposition
politicians to campaign in government-linked media. Malaysia's next
general election is planned due in 2013.

Anarchists were also present on the march and one participant sent us
this un-edited brief report and the picture with this article

“On 9 July, BERSIH rally which should peaceful protest about
electoral reform changes Kuala Lumpur city into police state. All
road access been block, shop and office building entirely been shut
down almost 16 hour. Public transport like train being stops their
services almost for city station.

The police deployed almost 7000 officer with 3 helicopter unit. At
night their start searching and arrest supporters from others state
which is sleep in hotel around, before the rally almost 250 being
detained. At end of rally day the number arrested increase up to 1500
people. 1 old citizen dead after fall down from ladder in KLCC
building when try to runaway from tear gas fired, police claim the
dead cause by personal healthy. Almost all left political party and
organization leader arrest before the rally start. But people
spontaneous organize them self to rally around city from Petaling
street until KLCC roads. Estimates of the Bersih-supporting marchers
put the figures at anything between 20,000 to 40,000 people; the
government only claims 6000 people. Police used they force with
violence to marches. They shot tear gas inside the close building
(train station) which can cause death because of that room full with
people and shot tear gas direct to body protester, they also fired
tear gas in hospital building after protester run away from the
street. The rally ends up at 5 pm after the long marcher around. Of
course objective of this rally only give more benefit to left
politician, but for ordinary people their objective is just want to
prove others Malaysian there are possibility to do social revolution.
And also to show the truth of dictatorship rule in this country.”

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