Sunday, April 03, 2011

Pelican Bay SHU

Dear Friends,

At the request of a prisoner who has been confined for many years in the Security Housing Unit at California's Pelican Bay State Prison, I am attaching a document projecting a hunger strike to begin on or about July 1, 2011.

According to the Complaint, these men are in solitary confinement under harsh conditions due to their "status." They have been labeled gang affiliated, even though they have not been charged or found guilty of a gang related act, based on allegations by confidential inmate informants seeking and receiving special treatment.

In order to be released from the Security Housing Unit they must "debrief." That means providing staff with information implicating others as gang members or associates, adversely impacting the gang to the point where they will never be accepted back. This can cause harm to other prisoners, and make the prisoner who debriefs (or a member of his family) a target for reprisal.

Some of these men are jailhouse lawyers who challenge correctional policies and practices and encourage others to do so.

In a covering letter, I was asked to pass this information on to anyone with possible interest. If you have a newsletter or website, these prisoners would appreciate your posting the attached document. Thank you for whatever you do to alleviate their situation.

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