Wednesday, December 01, 2010

798 is not enough for Oscar Lopez Rivera!

The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign's New Campaign
798 is not Enough! Forward this out far and wide! Oscar needs your Support!

In solidarity with the National Boricua Human Rights Network's (NBHRN) new campaign to ask for parole for Oscar Lopez Rivera, one of our two Puerto Rican Political Prisoners, ProLibertad has started an online petition to pressure President Brack Obama to give Oscar parole or to commute his sentence.

We are asking all freedom loving people to support both the online petition, which will be sent to President Barack Obama once we have reached our goal of 10,000 petitioners, and to support the letter writing campaign by the NBHRN. Our letters and online support will help us bring one of the longest held political prisoners home!

Both campaigns are important! We must use all avenues available to help win parole/commutation for Oscar.

Sign our petition:

and send a letter out:

"Agitation, organization, resistance, struggle and love are the ingredients that will guarantee us VICTORY!" -Oscar Lopez Rivera, Puerto Rican Political Prisoner

For more information on Oscar Lopez Rivera and to write to him:

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