Thursday, November 11, 2010

Support Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera in his parole bid

Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar López
Rivera to go to Parole first week of January!

Oscar López Rivera will appear before the U.S.
Parole Commission the first week of January 2011
after 30 years of imprisonment for struggling for
the independence of Puerto Rico. As part of the
campaign to support his parole bid, we are asking
all friends and sympathizers to download, print
and sign the attached letter and mail it to the following address:

Chairman Isaac Fulwood, Jr.
U.S. Parole Commission
5550 Friendship Blvd. Suite 420
Chevy Chase MD 20815-7286

In addition, please email (YOUR NAME AND EMAIL
HERE) so we can keep track of the number of letters sent in.

Together, we can help free Oscar López Rivera!


Alejandro Luis Molina
Skype: alejandromann

Coordinating Committee
National Boricua Human Rights Network
2739 W. Division Street
Chicago IL 60622
twitter: olrcat

Comité Pro-Derechos Humanos

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