Thursday, October 29, 2009

NYC: 11/14 Freedom Dance for Sundiata Acoli!

7 P.M. TO 11 P.M.
310 W. 43rd STREET, btw. 8th & 9th AVENUES
NEW YORK, NY 10036
$20 Admission, Food & Beverages for purchase
Fundraiser for the Sundiata Acoli Freedom Campaign (SAFC)
On Saturday, November 14th, we will dance and celebrate at Freedom Dance. This
celebration is an opportunity for us as a community to acknowledge our victories and
renew our efforts to continue this essential work. We celebrate the liberation and
freedom of our sister Assata Shakur, who along with many other Political Prisoners
(who still remain behind the walls) set the example of unselfish sacrifice for our
beloved people. We also celebrate the sacrifice of those freedom fighters whose
spirits were released due to their physical demise. This is a celebration for them
all. We will especially honor Sundiata Acoli. Through music and the warm meaningful
collective interaction of dance and laughter, we will reaffirm our commitment to
their freedom.

“I want so much for Sundiata to know how much he is loved and respected. I want him
to know how much he is appreciated by revolutionaries all over the world. I want
Sundiata to know how much he is cherished by African people, not only in the
Americas, but all over the Diaspora. I want him to know how much we admire his
strength, his courage, his kindness and compassion. Sundiata loves freedom and we
must struggle for the life and freedom of Sundiata.” - Assata Shakur

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