From: "Political Prisoner News" <>
Date: Tue, September 2, 2008 12:44 pm
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
As Salaam Aliakum from Florence Hameed
Services for Bashir Hameed will be held on
Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 9:30 a.m.
Dar Ul Islam of Elizabeth
602-616 Salem Ave
Elizabeth, NJ 07208
BASHIR HAMEED was born and raised in New Jersey. In 1968, Bashir Hameed
joined the Black Panther Party while residing in Oakland CA. Once he
returned to New Jersey, he became Deputy Chairman of the New Jersey
Chapter of BPP. Bro. Bashir Hameed was currently serving a sentence of 25
years to life.
For those who may not know:
FBI documents obtained during the 70's reveal that during this time Bashir
Hameed [born James D. York on 1940-12-01 – 30 August 2008] was a member
of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army.
He became a COINTELPRO target. He was charged and convicted of the murder
and the attempted murder of two police officers in April 1981. This
conviction came as a direct result of his political activity. Bashir
Hameed and his co-defendant, Abdul Majid, aka Anthony LaBorde, were tried
three times.
There first trial ended in a hung jury divided along racial lines, The
second trial was declared a mistrial by the judge immediately after the
jury rendered a decision that acquitted Bashir on the murder charge. At a
third trial, they were eventually convicted for murder.
Family members ask that all sympathy & condolence cards be sent to the
Hameed Family at 511 Winton Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148
For More Information Please See:
Wikipedia: _
It is with great sadness that we join the different organizations that
have paid tribute to Brother Bashir Hameed who made his transition this
past Saturday night, August 29th. Some of us first met Bashir in these
last months of his life and were moved by his spiritual strength,
intellectual clarity, and love for his family and people. We had hoped
that the video that Bashir so wanted to do would be approved by the
Department of Corrections before he passed, but that was not to happen.
Bashir's history as a militant activist in the Black Panther Party
parallels so many of the other histories of our political prisoners of
African descent. Born in New Jersey, after confronting the racism of the
colleges he attended and that of the US Army, he moved to the Bay Area and
in his own words "fell in love with the Black Panther
Party". Later, he was sent back to New Jersey to try to rebuild the BPP
which had already been decimated by the US government and local police.
Within two years, he was either in jail or facing imprisonment for up to
20 years, all for doing regular BPP work, distribution of the party
newspaper, the breakfast program, and political education. He ended up
spending four years in Trenton State Prison and upon release was
immediately again targeted. The Queens 2 case, which included Abdul Majid
and himself, involved the alleged killing of two policemen in Queens.
Their first trial ended in a hung jury, the second was declared a mistrial
with 8 to 4 for "not guilty", and the last involved very questionable
witnesses and finally led to the conviction the state wanted, and a
sentence of 30+ years to life, with the recommendation that Bashir and
Abdul never be paroled.
We say to Bashir's family, to his wife, and to all those who loved and
admired him, that Bashir will not be forgotten. Just this past Sunday, at
the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement hip hop concert, hundreds of young
people learned about who Bashir is, were very moved by Brother Dhoruba's
tribute to him, and cheered with great respect as each hip hop artist
began his/ her performance with an individual dedication to Bashir. Would
that Bashir had heard this in his lifetime, but he knew he would be
remembered, and showed that confidence in his last days. Revolutionaries
never die!
We extend our condolences to Bashir's devoted mother, Mrs. York, to his
son, his sister, his niece (who became a doctor with the
encouragement and prodding of her incarcerated uncle and who monitored his
medical care in the last years of his life when he faced several serious
medical conditions), and to his wife, Florence, who left her home in Texas
to spend these last months by her husband's side.
In loving revolutionary memory,
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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