Friday, November 09, 2007


I want to ask you for your participation in this year's Leonard Peltier Annual Holiday Gift Drive for the children of the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota. This project has gone on for years and I'm happy to be part of it this year in a supporting capacity. My support crew will be creating a registry of gifts that will make it simple for you to buy a gift or two for the Native children on the Pine Ridge reservation. I'm honored to be working on a project initiated by Native political prisoner Leonard Peltier and run by the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee - true allies in the struggle for political prisoners and environmental protection. Please participate as much as you can to make a real difference in the lives of these children who live on one of the poorest reservations in the nation and also by lending your support to the struggle to free Leonard Peltier. Check and for more information.

Thanks for all the letters and support!


Daniel McGowan is an environmental and social justice activist. He was charged in federal court on many counts of arson, property destruction and conspiracy, all relating to two incidents in Oregon in 2001. Until recently, Daniel was offered two choices by the government: cooperate by informing on other people, or go to trial and face life in prison. His only real option was to plead not guilty until he could reach a resolution of the case that permitted him to honor his principles. As a result of months of litigation and negotiation, Daniel was able to admit to his role in these two incidents, while not implicating or identifying any other people who might have been involved. He was sentenced to 7 years in prison on June 4, 2007 and began serving his time on July 2, 2007.

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