Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Death of Fred Hampton- Documentary Showing- December 1st

On December 1st, there will be a documentary showing of The Death of Fred Hampton at the SoCal Library in LA. This showing will mark the 38th anniversary of the death of the young Black Panther leader. We ask that every attend this event to honor the life and struggle of this dedicated revolutionary.

On December 4, 1969, Fred Hampton, the Deputy Chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party, was killed during a raid by Chicago police and the FBI. During the incident, police riddled the apartment with bullets, killing Black Panther Mark Clark, and injuring five other Panthers. Fred Hampton, one of those injured, was dragged out of his bed and shot pointblank in the head. It was later discovered he had been drugged by an uncover agent. This documentary depicts the rise of Hampton in the Panther Party and ultimately his brutal assassination.

December 1, 2007 • 5:00-8:00 pm
Southern California Library
6120 S. Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles, CA

Sponsored by Anarchist Black Cross Federation (LA), the Ida B. Wells Institute,
Black August (LA) and Some of Us Are Brave

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