Initial Endorsers: The New York Free the Five Committee, The
International Action Center, The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign, and
Frente Socialista-Comite de Nueva York.
"Ours may be one of the most ridiculous accusations of espionage in
the history of this country"
-Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo, The Cuban 5
This September 12th, 2007 will mark the 9 th year anniversary of the
arrest of the Cuban 5; five US held Cuban political prisoners
incarcerated for protecting Cuba from U.S. sponsored terrorist
Last year, President Ricardo Alarcon, of the Cuban Parliament,
declared Sept. 12th through October 6th to be a period of time to
raise awareness on the case of the Cuban 5. The Popular Education
Project to Free the Cuban 5 took this proclamation as a call to
action. By publishing this call through various list serves and
community mediums, we were able to motivate organizations,
individuals, teachers, clergy and students to organize a series of
events throughout the U.S., Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5 is committed to
building an international movement for the Cuban 5 by making Sept.
12th-October 12th "Free the Cuban 5 Month." We have extended the
period of time in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Ernest
"Che" Guevara's assassination by the Bolivian army, under the
direction of the CIA.
We are asking organizations in New York City to endorse "Free the
Cuban 5 Month" and to organize an event dedicated to the Cuban 5
within your community or for your constituency. Our goal is to
organize a calendar of events throughout New York City and
internationally that can be circulated through colleges, communities,
unions, and churches. Our goal is to educate, organize and mobilize
as many people as possible to support the work to free the Cuban 5.
In order to endorse, email the Project at:
freethecubanfive@hotmail.com and let us know which date within the
month you will organize your event.
The Project will be organizing a special "Free the Cuban 5 Month"
Kickoff event on Wednesday September 12 th, 2007 at 7pm tentatively
scheduled at St. Mary's Church in Harlem. It will be a
forum/reception with a small panel of invited speakers and a
delicious Latino dinner. All proceeds from the reception/forum will
go the Cuban 5's commissary funds.
Join us in building the worldwide movement to free the Cuban 5. Cuba
is calling for our support and solidarity; we cannot stand by and let
this period of time go by without action, education and fund-raising.
Email us with your endorsement and your activity as soon as you possible.
Benjamin Ramos,
Frank Velgara,
The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5
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