Friday, November 17, 2006

Eugene Grand Jury Resister Freed after Six Months

Civil Rights Outreach Committee

For Immediate Release: 11/17/06

Lauren Regan, Civil Liberties Defense Center, Eugene, OR: 541-687-9180
Alejandro Queral, NW Constitutional Rights Center, Portland, OR: 503-295-6400, 202-491-6204

Eugene Grand Jury Resister Freed after Six Months

Green Scare Continues, Further Subpoenas Possible

After spending almost six months in jail without being accused of any crime, Jeff Hogg has been released from imprisonment. On May 18, 2006, Hogg, a nursing student and caregiver for disabled adults, was jailed for civil contempt after he declined to testify before a federal grand jury allegedly investigating "eco-sabotage" cases. His incarceration led to public outcry and support efforts in Eugene and beyond. Hogg was released from the Josephine County jail in Grant's Pass, Oregon, Wednesday evening, rejoining his partner and community.

"I'm happy to be free and not to have compromised my principles in the face of the abusive grand jury system." Jeff Hogg stated from his home in Eugene, Oregon.

Hogg's attorney, Paul Loney, of Portland, Oregon added, ""While Jeff Hogg's liberty is restored, he is still subject to a new subpoena from a future empanelled grand jury as the FBI is not satisfied with guilty pleas from all Oregon eco-sabotage defendants. For some reason the FBI wants information Jeff does not have for cases that have been resolved. We hope that Jeff will not have to face the prospect of another six months in jail."

Hogg was released less than one week after four District of Oregon defendants, facing charges from the FBI's "Operation Backfire," resolved their cases and took non-cooperation plea deals. The "global resolution" of these remaining Oregon cases has not ended the FBI's campaign against environmentalists, however. In Washington, Briana Waters still faces serious federal charges relating to sabotage at the University of Washington. Waters asserts her innocence on all counts and is scheduled for trial in May 2007. The FBI continues to search for several other individuals they accuse of conspiracy and arson.

Grand juries are secret government investigative bodies that strip witnesses of their basic constitutional rights. Those subpoenaed to grand juries lose the right to remain silent, to hear any evidence presented against them, and even the right to an attorney in the grand jury room. A grand jury can jail people without convicting them of any crime or giving them a trial. They are frequently used as tools of repression against political movements.

In the Bay Area, grand jury resister Nadia Winstead will face contempt proceedings [today] for her refusal to testify before a similar federal grand jury investigating animal advocacy movements there.

A press packet of current related articles, background information, historical examples of sabotage in the U.S., and a history of F.B.I. repression of political activism is available. Please contact the Civil Liberties Defense Center at 541-687-9180 or email

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