Friday, May 30, 2008

Rod Coronado Threatened with the Hole for Receiving Radical Literature

From:    "Support for Rod Coronado" <>

I have yet to speak with Rod about this, but he called a friend of ours to
report that he is having some trouble due to materials that were sent to

They will not tell him who sent it, what it is, or any details. The point
is: it is too radical.

Too radical? What does that mean? We are not sure. But, the guards have
made it clear that Rod will be back in the hole if he receives more
radical information.

We don’t want to see Rod be put back in the hole. This has negative
consequences for his receiving mail, books, and phone calls. He will not
be allowed visitors, either.

To abide with the conditions, I urge everyone to be extremely considerate
of what you send him. Please no materials regarding ALF, ELF, animal
liberation, um…. what else, radical anything. Until further notification,
I would suggest these guidelines be followed.

I sent him articles on Bio-dynamic farming, and new organizing tactics in
Holland and here (regarding the Yes! men, and etc….) I may be the culprit,
but I may not be.

Thanks for being careful….. they really are keeping a type rope around his
neck. It’s not fair that he would be targeted for our actions, but we know
that prison is far from designed to be fair!

Thank you,


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