Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Greek Solidarity Protest in San Francisco on November 27th

by Fulano de Tal
Sunday Nov 28th, 2010 12:40 PM

This was a solidarity action, against Greek police brutality towards
many comrades, including one from the Bay Area.

On November 27th, 2010, protesters organized a response to the violence of
the Greek police force in recent demonstrations in that country against
the austerity measures being forced upon the country by the International
Monetary Fund.

At one of the recent anti-IMF protest in Athens, Greece, an US Anarchist
was brutally beaten by the Delta Force, a special police division for
anarchists and immigrants. Although she suffered serious injuries, she is
expected to fully recover. In the following days as more protests
continued in Athens (marking the anniversary of the Junta), several other
Greek comrades were brutalized by the Delta Force. The march was organized
to express outrage and solidarity with all comrades in Greece and to
highlight the worldwide plague of policing.

In addition, the rally was intended to show that police in the United
States are no better than their Mediterranean counterparts. In the Bay
alone we've seen the murder of Oscar Grant and Derrick Jones in Oakland,
Michael Lee in the Tenderloin and countless others before them.

Some further information:

US Anarchist beat by Delta Force:

Man shot in the Tenderloin 09/26/10:

Women brawl with the pigs at Gay Pride March in SF 2010:

Woman beaten unconscious by SFPD:

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